Thursday, December 5, 2013

Repair Damaged Hair

Troubled Hair???Repair Damaged Hair 8->

Damaged hair???Tried everything from 5 problems no solution shampoo to loads of sticky hair oil? But, all efforts down the drain?

Cure damage due to different hair styling procedures

1. Run for a hair cut

The ends of hair need to be trim to undo some effect of hair damage. Doing this, you will feel like your hair has regained its life.

2. Oil regularly

At least twice a week or a day before shampooing. I know it’s messy. You apply on your head and next morning it’s all over your face, the whole body gets greasy #-o and not to forget stained pillows :-o.Yuck. But, one has to get over this and religiously follow the oiling routine.

I would suggest the following concoction

Warm 2 tablespoon coconut oil with 1 tablespoon castor oil and add 2 tablespoon any Ayurvedic oil (with brahmi ,jatamansi and amla).

Castor oil promotes hair thickening and growth of new hair. If you already have thick hair, you can happily skip this part. Not everyone can tolerate this highly viscous oil :|

Give a gentle massage to the scalp and evenly apply this warm oil mixture on hair, including its ends.

Leave it overnight and shampoo next day.

3. Do not over shampoo your hair

Remember, you want to clean your hair and scalp, not to rip off all the natural moisture. Many shampoos have SLES (Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulphate), a surfactant added to impart cleansing action. The lathering property of your shampoo depends upon the quantity of SLES. So, chose your shampoo cautiously. 
Depending upon your length and shampoo type, decide the right shampoo quantity for your hair. Too much will make your hair dry and too little will not clean.

4. Do not change hair products too often

Treating yourself like a guinea pig will only deliver you the fate of a guinea pig. No shampoo can make your hair black, long or thick. it can only clean either with damaging effects or without damaging effects. So stick to the one that cleans with minimum damage. The best shampoo can give and improve texture, but only regular use can really do some magic. So, experimentation is a big NO-NO  [-(

5. Avoid stress ~X(

Stay away from anything that makes you lose your cool. Stress damages hair, causing it to gray and hamper the repair mechanisms of your body. So learn to chillax <:-P

6. Diet

Your lifestyle and diet play a vital role in shaping your body, including your tresses. After all hair is a protein-Keratin. Include healthy foods rich in protein, zinc, vitamin B and biotin for healthy hair. Take care of things that goes down your throat.

7.  Take care of damages: Mechanical and thermal
hair shaft structure

Brushing or tugging hair when it's wet stretches hair and creates split ends. Be careful while detangling, Use large toothed comb, and don't be harsh with it. Thermal damages break the H-bond and reform hair. Repeated reforming can leave your mane weak and damaged. So, keep thermal styling limited to special occasions.

Hope it was useful!  /bye Ren

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