Monday, April 17, 2017

Natural ways to reduce salt uptake

  • Add salt as much as it is needed 
If you consume high salt, slowly reduce salt in your diet. You will realise your threshold has gone down and little is enough for you.

  • Say no to processed food. Eat real food. Period!
This is the best way to reduce salt. Salt is hidden in processed foods like sauce, soups, condiments, canned foods, seasonings and pickles. 
Moreover foods like salted nuts, salami, smoked meat and soy sauce contain high amount of sodium so be careful with its consumption.
  • Learn to read food labels
Notice ingredients like sodium nitrate, sodium citrate, monosodium glutamate(MSG), and sodium benzoate because all these adds to the amount of sodium present in the food.

  • Effervescent tablets
Effervescent tablets or vitamin supplements may contain salt as high as 1g to increase its bio-availability for absorption. Switch to non-effervescent tablets to reduce your salt intake.

  • Flavour your food by other means
You can switch to herbs and spices to add flavour. Instead of loads of soy-sauce mushroom can be added for umami taste for asian cuisine. Other alternatives are using onion, garlic,lemon and vinegar. There are many herbs which adds flavours like cilantro, parsley,pepper and basil.

Note : If you sweat a lot, your Na requirement may be higher because we loose significant amount of sodium in sweat 

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