Friday, February 24, 2017

Everything about Perfume

~ How I met most Perfumes ~

I am neither a fragrance expert nor a regular user of scented items. Thanks to Dubai duty- free, because that’s how I was introduced to perfumes. Long back, I guess long enough to make me forget how long, I was gifted packs of many high-end brands of perfume.

Mysterious is the way a man thinks. Like I never mentioned a word like perfume, scent or fragrance to make him think in that direction, then how 😒 and why 🙆?

But, I must say quality is what my man believes in 😍. Anyway, I kept using Dove deodorant till I moved to Canada. The thing I really loved about Dove deo was the fact that it was gentle on skin and would not darken my underarm like many deodorants. However, Canadian winter screwed the deo. On spray, instead of vapor or mist, it would give powdery chalky or runny liquid stuff. I was dismayed😥, this was my favorite deodorant. Being a choosy person, I knew finding a right one will take ages like it did before.

Then, one fine day I saw these cool bottles of gifted perfumes lying in a box like a prized heirloom. To be honest, I decided to use it because I knew it was really expensive stuff and I didn’t want it to go waste.

Back then, I knew nothing about perfume so I read little bit on it and realized it is actually a lot safer and efficient than a deodorant with loads of chemical.

Here are few important and useful stuff every perfume user should know -

A right perfume can lift your senses and give you a sense of harmony. Still, I really don’t think it is a necessity or an absolute need to incorporate in your life. I prefer to use it only in summer as a deo replacement or for a special occasion.

Also, it is very important to be mindful of other people in our vicinity. In case of a fragrance, less is more. An overpowering, strong perfume can be annoyance to many around us, including me. For some people sensitive to smell, it is more than just sensory assault. Scents can act as nasal irritant to cause sneezing, itching or runny nose. This can also lead to headaches and dizziness.
 ~ Perfume ~

A perfume is a harmonious combination of various aromatic compounds, of varying degree of volatility. These aromatic compounds can be divided into notes, depending upon their degree of volatility and scent release period.

A perfume has three distinct notes. Depending upon the compound added for each note , you sense the scent over the period of time.

~ Three notes in a Perfume ~

1.Top Notes / Head Notes
The aromatic compound of this notes are highly volatile, so it quickly evaporates and releases scent. The moment one dabs a perfume, the note corresponding to this category gives the first impression of a fragrance.
Top note is first scent of a perfume to appear and disappear.Top note fades after some time and then comes fragrance from the middle note fragrances.

We usually label a perfume strong, fresh or floral based on our experience of scent from top note, which is why this note is important from marketing perspective.

2. Middle notes / Heart notes
As the name suggest, this is the heart of a perfume as they last longer than top note and affect base note.

3. Base notes
These notes are least volatile so lingers on skin for long time and together with middle note makes the main fragrance of the perfume.

An interesting thing to note about perfumes is that they smell and last differently on different people based on their diet, hormones and essential oils of skin.

~ Types of perfumes ~

1. Balm ~1- 5% aromatic compounds
Being in balm form makes it less sensitive to light and temperature. Thus, it lasts longer than other types of perfume.

2. Eau de Cologne  ~3- 5 % aromatic compounds
Usually, men's perfumes are of this type and since it is lightly fragrant, it can be sprayed generously.

3. Eau de Toilette  ~5-15 % aromatic compounds
The high alcohol content makes it volatile so the fragrance lasts for ~ 2 - 3 hours.

4. Eau de Parfum ~ 10 - 20% aromatic compounds
The high percentage of aromatic content makes it more expensive. However, it lasts longer ~5 hours and is the preferred type for everyday use.

5. Parfum  ~ 20 - 40%
Fragrance of this type can last for almost a day (~ 8 hours ). It’s less alcohol content makes it suitable for people with dry skin,

~ Where to apply ~

Apply after bath on warm parts of body (Pulse point - where blood vessels are close to skin ) like sides of neck, back of neck, wrists, elbows or behind knees.

A perfume reacts with body heat and volatile aromatic molecules in it are released at different interval of time. This is the reason why it doesn’t make any sense to apply perfume on fabric.

~ Storage ~

Perfumes are light sensitive and volatile so it is should be stored out of sunlight in cool place.

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