Monday, February 27, 2017

Eyeliner Hacks ~ How to prevent an eyeliner from smudging?

Eyeliner Hacks

I was a kajal person for a long time. I would make and wear my own homemade kajal but unfortunately it would smudge badly to make me look like a raccoon. Since, kajals are meant for waterline, taking it off was a big task. I remember how it would strain my eyes, making under eye area so dull and red. When I switched to branded kajals, which I believe were full of harmful chemicals. I would get headaches and feel dizzy. Often, I would see black spots in mucous which I guess reach nose through tear ducts.😟 I am not a die hard fashionista so for these reasons I stopped wearing kajal.

I never thought of wearing an eyeliner because I just assumed it needs expertise and it won’t suit me. Don’t know how and why I bought one. May be it was to satisfy my girly fetish, to buy things for no reason. It is altogether another story that 90% of the things I buy I never use. I just feel like some sort of compulsion to buy. Well, after marriage I moved to another country and had plenty of time doing nothing. That’s when I randomly decided to begin my eyeliner R&D and woah!!! Now I simply love eyeliners😍. Unlike kajal, it’s so easy to take off. 

If you are a newbie like me in an eyeliner world, you might know about the frustration of eyeliner smudging all over the eyelid crease . First, it’s a task to get it right and then the smudge gives you level 8 stress😖.

So, this issue definitely needs a dedicated post. But, before that let's have a laugh at a classic eyeliner joke doing the rounds.

 1. Eyeliner hack for oily eyelids or smudgy eyeliner

a. Dust an eye shadow or a good gel eyeliner on top of your eyeliner

It takes forever and good amount of patience to get an eyeliner right. There are some eyeliners which are easy to apply but they don’t stay long and smudge immediately on upper eyelid. If you face this, I suggest dusting an eyeshadow or gently dabbing any gel eyeliner on top of your liquid eyeliner can really help. This is my way of dealing with smudge. I have a useless gel eyeliner and its brush, which is I use for this purpose.

b. Change the moisturiser/ Sunscreen 

I get this, you love your eyeliner shade and you are in no mood to settle for the first option. How about changing your moisturiser or sunscreen. Many a times its ingredient like alcohol can cause smudging of eyeliner. I do not wear makeup and usually have a moisturiser with SPF on my face. If the moisturiser is oily or not totally absorbed into the skin, it can cause smearing of eyeliner.

c. Use an eye-primer 

I know nothing about primers. But, I have heard urban decay has some really good eye primer for eye makeup. I don’t do makeup, but if you do there are plenty of tutorials and blogs dedicated to how to use it.
 d. Make sure you dry your eye-liner

If you stay in humid place, make sure to turn on fan. A sweaty eyelids can be disastrous base to begin with. Also, give your eye-liner sufficient time to dry.

e. Avoid creamy pencils 

These are often the culprit for causing panda eye. Buy an eyeliner that is neither too creamy to smudge nor too harsh to tug the delicate eye area.

2. Well begin is half done 👍

If you are in a hurry, try putting eyeliner from outer corner of eye and work across. Once outer wing is done, you are no longer under the gun.That’s the toughest part to get right. You will be amazed to see how quick and hassle-free it can be to apply eyeliner this way.

3. Best way to remove eyeliner is using coconut oil and Q - tip. This is chemical free and does no harm to delicate eye area.

4. If there is any smudging clean it using Q - tip.

5. If you have shaky hand, go for gel or pencil eyeliner and for outer corner use liquid eyeliner. 

I am not finicky about how it looks, sometimes eyeliner does look slightly different on left and right eye but I guess nobody’s gonna stare my eyes to notice the slight difference. Besides, self confidence is the first thing one should always wear. If you like it your way, go ahead. It’s all about you. There are social norms but there is no right or wrong. 

👉Do what makes you happy.


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