Sunday, October 8, 2017

Skin Care tips for winter

Skin Care tips for winter | Dry skin

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Winter is drying, but for dry skin people, it can be annoying and itchy too. The lack of moisture in skin can make your skin rough and scaly, making it look dull and aged. For mature skin, winter can be traumatic as it can accelerate wrinkles appearance. Here are few tips to protect skin from harsh winter and its drying effects.

  • Say no to hot or cold water baths 
It actually seems like the most relaxing thing when you are back home from cold outdoor. You try to warm your nearly frozen skin to bring it back to life. But, in the process you do more harm. Hot water can strip off the natural oil and leave skin at the mercy of environment. Since winter air lacks moisture and perspiration is absent, skin can not replenish its moisture back. So, try to use lukewarm water for bath.
  • Use a good moisturiser
A good moisturiser is the key to good skin. Since I prefer natural products I stick to diluted vitamin E oil. Being natural and high in antioxidants makes it perfect for winter. You can go for commercial products too but make sure it is non comedogenic.

  • Wash your face with a mild cleanser
Keeping face clean is important but over doing this can adversely affect the skin. So be wise and be gentle. For extremely dry skin, simply cleaning face with honey can do both cleanse and moisturise the skin at the same time. Dry skin people should stay away form products with orange extracts, lavender or tea-tree oils. A dehydrated skin can be easily irritated so use products with minimal ingredient list.

  • Avoid alcohol based products 
Alcohol is very drying. Many good herbal products too can have high alcohol content which can damage skin. So, skip products with alcohol, specially in winter.

  • Use natural face mask with ingredients like avocado, curds, honey, oatmeal
  • Eat and sleep well 
We are what we eat so take care of you inner machinery. Keep the junk out and nutrients in so as to tackle outside environmental stress.


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