Monday, October 30, 2017

Things to consider when on medication

Things to consider when on medication*-

  • Cross reaction - A medicine's life cycle consist of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion. From the time it is absorbed and into the blood stream cross reactions can happen due to presence of certain molecules or chemicals. It is very important to know which food to avoid when on certain medication for your safety. For example, some antibiotics can react with alcohol in blood and can have serious side effects.
  • Course - If you are on antibiotics it is always advised to finish the course unless otherwise advised. This is to avoid the emergence of antibiotic resistance varieties.
  • Dosage - Exceeding recommended dosage limit can have serious consequences and can also turn fatal. Choose dosage as per need, don't just pop a pill. Excess drug in circulation can have unwanted side effects on non-target organs.
  • Other medications - Always cross check and confirm with your doctor or pharmacist if on any other additional medication. The drugs can react with each other. If you are on too much of medication cleared through liver, it can put burden on liver. In such case if in need of medication your pharmacist might suggest medication cleared through Kidney to avoid extra burden on liver for excretion.
  • Notice - Notice any change in body like itching, redness, breathing difficulties etc. We are all genetically different, although drugs are said to be tested before being available in market, it can't be tested on individual basis. So, keep a check on any noticeable change in your body and report it to doctor for advice.
  • Water - Drink plenty of water so that excess drug is excreted through urination.
  • Food - Go for simple home cooked food to avoid feeling bloated.
*Always follow your doctors advise before making any decision

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