Monday, September 25, 2017

DIY Hair conditioner for pH balance (All Natural)

DIY Hair conditioner for pH balancing scalp (All Natural)


Winter is around and so is dry, dull lifeless hair! Most of us rely on conditioners available in market but those are loaded with chemicals which further damage the hair. Shampoos nowadays be it natural or synthetic are very drying and damaging. Attractive packaging, synthetic smell, added colour and a relatable commercial, is all that takes to compel one into this circle of hair -> shampoo -> dry hair -> conditioner -> dandruff -> strong shampoo -> damage -> strong conditioner -> more damage -> … This cycle is never ending if one relies on the supermarket products in the supermarket. Excessive use of irritants like lavender and menthol in natural products also damage hair and scalp. 

When it comes to personal care products, the lesser is the better. Some of the best conditioner that I tried (Yes! thanks to the adverts that make you believe that it’s an absolute nessesity) in past which made my hair soft have affected the quality of my hair in long term use. The build up is usually fast if one uses conditioner and it also weighs down the hair giving flaky scalp and dull appearance.

So, here is my recipe for natural conditioner which gently cleanse the scalp and provide nourishment with pH balance. Honey is a natural humectant so it locks the moisture, avocado nourishes and protects hair from damage while lemon and orange juice gently cleans and balance the pH. Unlike thousands of herbal and so called natural product in market, this conditioner has nothing that can possibly have an adverse effect on hair.


1 Cup warm water
 3-4 Tablespoon of Orange juice
1tsp honey
1tsp lemon juice 
1/2- 1 tablespoon Avocado puree (depending on your scalp type) 
Mix well to make a homogeneous solution

  1. Shampoo and rinse hair thoroughly with tepid water.
  2. Apply this natural conditioner on your hair (root to tip)
  3. Let it sit for 15 minute.
  4. Rise thoroughly with lukewarm water.

~ Ren

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